There's so much to say and share here


Too many times in my career I’ve found out I didn’t know what I didn’t know until I was in a situation where someone’s life depended on it.

As a nursing student I wasn’t sure about the specialty that best suited my personality… but after many rewarding experiences, I found my niche. A niche that suited my personality, my intentions, my strengths, and as I continue to explore my nursing career, I have found many more opportunities!  But it hasn’t always been that way, and had I had a resource like Dear Nurse: Reward yourself; Reward your patient, a written guide that offers insight and provides pros, cons and valuable career guidance garnered from a bevy of nurses with years of experience, I might have found my niche much earlier. This is what this book offers, and this is a safe space where you can share and validate your experiences, vent a little, give advice and find commonalities that make us stronger together in this community and encourage and positively influence the next generation of nurses.